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More About

Taja Dominique

Throughout my life, I have  been involved with various creative outlets leading me to the art of filmmaking. During my undergraduate career I continued to persevere in pursuing my passion for directing and producing. Opportunities both in and out of school have furthered my interest in contributing to the culture of filmmaking. Prior to San Francisco State University's cinema program, I had experience and a passion for psychology which aids my ability to tell narratives uniquely and intimately. Within my artistry, I enjoy exploring culturally unique aspects of myself, my community and the world around me. I would define my creative style as experimental, often poetic, and visually intriguing. Allowing psychology and directing to coexist is vital to my creative aptitudes. The mind is one of the most valuable and fascinating parts of the human body and as an artist, I rely on my mind to guide me in imaginative storytelling that causes the viewer to channel narratives that are more authentic and daringly uplifting with respect to humanity.

Early memories have shaped my career aspirations as a filmmaker. Even as a child, I’ve always known how to take up space, whether that be my voice, my presence, or my art. However, I quickly realized the world had no intention of giving space to a young Black girl. In grade school I was often punished for my forthrightness and encouraged to suppress my character which led to frustrations. Overtime, the resentment I felt transitioned into empowerment and encouraged me to empower others. Still, I found myself yearning to be seen and heard by eyes and ears that weren’t built for my purpose.

In developing years of experience, I’ve attended San Francisco University. In addition to the pandemic, my experiences of being the only Black woman in my classes have built my confidence and encouraged me to continue to be fearless when taking up space. These environments shaped my aspirations as a director. My production company, InspiredByTaja Productions is dedicated to honoring and creating a platform for Black creatives coming from Oakland. For the past few years, I’ve created short films, directed and produced music videos and photoshoots, produced events, and mentored youth all with the intention of creating a space where Black artists can thrive. I’ve dedicated this commitment to my community so that we can all excel in our artistic interests, without having to feel like we are not being seen or heard. 

As I continue to implement my passion for filmmaking, I want to continue to stay true to my visions and overall goals as a creator. The most important aspects of my presentation as a filmmaker are honoring naturalism and humanizing people who look like me. My vision is to uphold a sense of individualism within myself and to inspire my community to do the same. In extending my cinematic academia and experience I will not only make room for myself but curate an environment that aids to the security of Black women and women of color.

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